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Showing content with the highest reputation since 4/29/2023 in all areas

  1. Changes/Additions: Updated Awareness Jungle timers for new Jungle Added missing Hwei spells to evade Fixes: MF farming crash
    3 points
  2. Version 0.0.9


    Hasen AI: Awareness Hasen AI is an advanced awareness script designed to gather detailed information and deliver it in an intuitive way, providing you with a significant competitive advantage over your enemies! The script aims to offer the best advantages, combined with a high-quality design! It is mandatory to enable DX9 in the League of Legends client until DX11 is fully supported by Zenbot! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the future, additional modules will be added to elevate your gaming advantage to the next level. User experiences, improvement suggestions, and error reports are always gratefully received in order to continually enhance the product's quality and provide you with a flawless experience. Everyone who leaves a positive review gets a coupon or free subscription time!
    2 points
  3. Version


    This AIO is intended for ARENA mode. 💢If you have errors, report directly to the Int++ server. Supported champions:
    2 points
  4. Can't Inject because update today
    2 points
  5. Changes/Additions: Orbwalker Belveth Voidling Orbwalker Farming Logic Fixes: Evade Lux R, Lux R FoW Orbwalker sometimes cancelling Auto Attack Orbwalker sometimes not triggering After Attack
    2 points
  6. Changes: Orbwalker Farming Logic Game Exit behaviour Fixes: Xayah Last Hit Health Prediction outside of Last Hit/Lane Clear causing low FPS Orbwalker sometimes cancelling auto attack
    2 points
  7. Store: Only Crypto for now Supported Champ: Katarina, Zed, Akali, Fiora, Rengar, Kog'Maw, Yasuo (BETA), Syndra, Xayah, Riven, Aatrox (BETA), Ezreal, Qiyana (BETA), Senna, Zoe, Irelia, Diana, Caitlyn, Vayne, Yone, Elise, Sona, Kassadin, Twisted Fate, Darius, Azir, Jinx, Samira, Hwei. Draven, Kayle, Varus, Lillia, Kindred, Ashe, Brand Todo: Sylas, Fake Cursor and more Trial: 48 Hours Discord: Discord Please give me a feedback! Feel free to contact me if you have any issue or questions. Credit: Int
    1 point
  8. Website - https://superb.sellpass.io/ Discord - https://discord.gg/pwTyVz5Dg6 reselling zenbot subs of public version prices for paypal (pay in website): 30 days = 11$ 7 days = 6$ 1 day = 3$ prices for crypto (pay in discord server -open a ticket, the prices are without fees): 30 days = 9.75$ 7 days = 4.75$ 1 day = 2.85$ zenbot loader in website zenbot.gg ACTIVE, LEGIT AND TRUSTED RESELLER Will post configs made by me in the discord server
    1 point
  9. Int++ | AIO ~~ Get your key ~~ Remember Int++ is not a Zenbot key Store: ESHOP | Paypal and other payment methos Alternative store: Intnner | Accepts multiple Cryptos, Binance 40% Off Coupon for ESHOP store: Int-to2024 ~~ How to use external plugin ~~ Tutorial it is mandatory to install DreamPred Inside the zenbot/scripts folder, create a folder called DreamPred and place the header.lua and main.lua files inside the DreamPred folder ~~ Contacts ~~ Discord Developer: int_5441 / Int#5441 Link: Int++ Community ~~ About Int++ ~~ If you're an avid League of Legends player, you know that choosing the right champion can make all the difference between victory and defeat. With our plugin, you'll have access to over 100 champions, all with amazing logic to help you achieve victory in every game. Whether you're a casual or competitive player, our plugin will be your best friend in every game. It will allow you to customize your strategy for each match and maximize your gameplay potential. Plus, our easy-to-use interface makes using the plugin a breeze for players of all skill levels. Don't waste any more time choosing the wrong champion and losing games. Get our plugin now and dominate the League of Legends battlefield!" ~~ Supported Champions ~~
    1 point
  10. Int++ | Activator. Remember to disable the other activators (this includes external and internal ones) 💢This plugin is an extension of Int++ | Yes you need an Int++ key. [ Features ] - Supports all items. - Most Summoners spells are supported. - Configure it however you want. Various settings for customization. - Combos with Int++. - Auto Lantern. - Auto Ward. -- Download -- - Int++ | AIO - Int++ | iTrack
    1 point
  11. Version 1.0.4


    1 point
  12. Want to add and optimize eqe fire knife for gankplank
    1 point
  13. give back me money Script is FREE ban 10 eur for ban give back me money
    1 point
  14. Version


    Premium Zeri script. Buy keys: 7-Day 30-Day Lifetime
    1 point
  15. I want to get a refund, Zenbot is detected and hasnt been patched, but you dont warn people about it.
    1 point
  16. Version 2.64.1


    The Zenbot Loader Offline Installer. A key is required to use Zenbot. You can buy a key here: https://forum.zenbot.gg/index.php?/store/
    1 point
  17. 69rzZSIKe4.mp4 1. Take the shape of the mini-Razorbeak 2. Place the ward a little close to you 3. Transform into mini-Razorbeak (During the transformation, release Q on the ward) 4. get close to the ward. take her form in the passive and transform into the ward. The exploit works soon
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. I will check a possibility for this function in AIO. Probably in the next update.
    1 point
  20. Can you add E usage to Akshan please? Use as gap closer maybe.
    1 point
  21. When activating the 'Farming' toggle and pressing the 'Panic clear' key it will use the 3 spells (q,w,e) if it does not hear any enemies nearby or when it is possible to reach an exact number of minions. League_of_Legends_4a6Fx30mGe.mp4 I usually respond faster on the discord server
    1 point
  22. I am very happy to receive your feedback 🤩. Int++ will always be up to date.
    1 point
  23. love it, thanks. Please keep updating.
    1 point
  24. GFX Design by: @Karma❤️ #Champion: Vayne #Developer: Exory#0126 #Short description: This is my Premium Vayne script, rewritten from scratch for Zenbot; it has pretty much all the features you could ever hope for. It has been thoroughly tested, approved and recognized by thousands of people, as well as @Broken, multi-seasonal Challenger player, as the best Vayne script ever made. #Current Version: #Latest Changelog: LuaJIT update. #Developer`s Notes: Set Orbwalker`s After AA Time frame to 0. Test in a Training Tool and get comfortable with the amount of customization it has before using it in ranked. Please turn Internal Vayne off when using this. #Prices: 7-day key: 3.54 euros. (Stripe) 30-days key: 6.49 euros. (Stripe) Lifetime key: 64.99 euros. (Stripe) #Download now: #How to use?: Make a 'scripts' folder inside the folder where your loader.exe is located, if not already present. Place exorys_vayne.zen inside it. Copy the Key and create a custom/trainingtool game, the script should automatically get the key from your clipboard and automatically inject. If it didn't automatically inject, you will be prompted to enter it inside a small form, just paste it there and the script will inject. Have fun, hunters!
    1 point
  25. There are humanization options. If there is manual “investigation” into the account, you will likely be banned. But it's difficult, be discreet when using an undetectable script
    1 point
  26. Hello, the ban rate for the public version of Zenbot may vary for each user. Some say they stay for months, others weeks, other days and sometimes hours
    1 point
  27. hello, i am interested in reselling keys from zenbot public version, admins did not answer me in discord so i send the message here, hopefully it will be noticed. i am already a reseller of another platform and i am willing to expand the types of scrips I have to offer customers.
    1 point
  28. Yes. Not that it needs updating though.
    1 point
  29. Hello, You don't have to worry. If you want to clear records/logs to play league on other accounts. u can delete the following folders. If it makes you more comfortable (C:\ProgramData\Riot Games) (C:\ProgramData\Riot Games\machine.cfg) (C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Config) (C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Logs) (C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\debug.log) (C:\Riot Games\Riot Client\UX\natives_blob.bin) (C:\Riot Games\Riot Client\UX\snapshot_blob.bin) (C:\Riot Games\Riot Client\UX\v8_context_snapshot.bin) (C:\Riot Games\Riot Client\UX\icudtl.dat)
    1 point
  30. Version


    Premium Vayne script. Buy keys: 7-Day 30-Day Lifetime
    1 point
  31. Hello everyone, I want to share this Olaf script (my very first script here) since the native isnt working properly. LordOlaf.zip Current features: - Q angle filter from 5 to 180 degrees (my personal pain with every Olaf script I try, its when he throws his axe in opposite direction you are running in fights if you want to chase specific champions) - ignore Q angle filter in 1v1 (this is foccused to lane phase and duels that you want to go in and out, so you can harass without face your enemy directly) - reset aa with W in combo with health config - default 80 / min 30 / max 100 (because the less health you have, more shield you get and its not worth wasting your shield just to reset an auto, but in the other way, I dont like holding skills forever, if I use with 80% I can use 1 more time, if you prefer to use everytime its up leave it to 100) - E between aa, nothing speciel here - disable evade during R, dont have auto usage yet (you can use the native one combined with this to get a full script, but remember to disable QWE from combo settings in the native one) This is just a preview version, I want to bring a fully customisable and versatile script with custom 1v1 logic for the most tricky matchups like Jax, Fiora and others. I reached master tier mono Olaf without scripts, and I'll try to get over it with this one, depending on overall performance and feedback of yours I wanna develop for another champions too. Sry for my english, I'm not fluent.
    1 point
  32. Hello, u can pay with paypal using reseller. https://forum.zenbot.gg/index.php?/topic/849-exo-zenbot-public-version-reseller-accepting-payments-from-brazil-and-beyond/#comment-3651
    1 point
  33. hello, qiyana was added 2 weeks ago https://forum.zenbot.gg/index.php?/files/file/91-int/page/2/&tab=comments&pagecommentundefined=3
    1 point
  34. Send a message on Discord to either of them, that went fairly quick for me atleast
    1 point
  35. I'm glad you found the solution. Orbwalking is essential for using the external scripts
    1 point
  36. btw do you know possibly why, I have it injected, it accepted the key, it shows in the menu and everything, but when i hit spacebar it does nothing. It was working earlier today. what can cause that? NVM, figured it out, need orbwalker activated.
    1 point
  37. https://forum.zenbot.gg/index.php?/files/file/92-skin-changer/
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. The missing days should be added already. If they are not added for you send me a message with more information
    1 point
  40. Very good im Tested in 4 Games, and i Loveit
    1 point
  41. Changes: Orbwalker adjusted lane clear
    1 point
  42. Hello. Make sure there is no active adblock/antivurs/malwarebytes. I also recommend creating a folder named Zenbot in the C:/ location. - Try running the loader as admin or without admin. * Click here to follow the Zenbot Installation Guide * Check this topic, maybe some of them can help you My recommendation for download:
    1 point
  43. Version 2.64.1


    The Zenbot Loader. A key is required to use Zenbot. You can buy a key here: https://forum.zenbot.gg/index.php?/store/
    1 point
  44. Bought this product +would recommend.
    1 point
    1 point
  45. IF YOU FACE ANY SETUP ISSUES, PLEASE REVIEW THE THREAD LOCATED HERE. 1. Download the Zenbot Loader zip file. If you're using the Public version, simply download the .exe file and skip to Step 3. 2. Extract the contents of the zip file. 3. Launch the "Loader.exe" file. 4. Click on Gear Icon located in the top-right corner of the loader window. 5. Enter your key in the first field, if required, and click "Save". (Note: Zenbot Public Members don't need to enter a key) 6. Start a game of LoL 7. Click on the "Inject" button in the top-left corner of the loader window while in the loading screen or during gameplay. (Note: This step is not necessary if you have Auto Inject enabled.) 8. While in-game, press F1 to open the Zenbot menu and start using the various features and options available. You can enable features and plugins in Zenbot by clicking on Core and selecting all the different plugins you would like to enable while in-game.
    1 point
  46. Version 1.23


    Jonathan's Graves by Jonathan 😛 Version: 1.23 - 09/18/2020 Features: Draw all ranges Draw when reloading Auto reset with E Sexy combo with space-bar Nice wall bounce considerations with Q Harass and lane-clear with Q,W,E Clear lane efficiently with minimum minion count to cast W and E Damage calculations to steal kill with Q or R Smite dragon/baron/rift automatically Auto smite crab/blue/red when enemy is nearby Changelogs: 09/18/2020: added panic ult to do full combo with R on target if your health < x%
    1 point
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