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Moana last won the day on January 12 2022

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  • Birthday 2/21/1997

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  1. The fact that your response to my whole post is calling me clueless leaves me speechless, its an irrevocable fact that your zeri farming features, specially waveclear is mediocre, trying to argument it back is kinda delusional. Im going to leave it here, its a waste of my time at this point. https://puu.sh/IRm8D/892d80bc33.mp4 https://puu.sh/IRmcC/dd4d57e8ed.mp4 second clip later reviewing settings just in case, everything seems good from zenbot side Ive been benevolent calling you mediocre, next time just take notes
  2. Watching that animation has not even been started yet on this frame is a clear indicator that its not optimal at least for sure. It can be either a typo on the information you are using to determine when the projectile will hit the unit which causes it to return a shorter hit time value than what really is which causes to shoot too late or a totaly wrong / unoptimal implementation such as shoot on unit.health < spell.damage which would explain why people complain, this would not take in consideration the amount of preasure the unit is recieving from ally minions or other sources such as ally champions, your own autoattacks, debuffs like redbuff etc.. which causes you to attempt to kill him too late if the preasure is high enough or your damage is not huge. Keep in mind in your clip you are level 6 with q maxed out to the point that you have no w or r points which is unreal for this level, asuming you have 0 items which is probably not even the case your q damage is outscaling hard enemy minions as we all can see the indicator of damage that is half minion hp and this indicator shows up zeri attack damage which is lower than q damage. So yes you did 6/6 lasthit on the clip but with an extremly overloaded damage which is fine for mid/late game probably but could be causing issues on early levels where your q damage is way lower. I recomend you to simply go into game level 1, 0 items and fastforward it to min 10 or even min 20 where minions health has outscaled you and then benchmark how much minions you are able to lasthit with q at max range successfully. As long as you have 90% is aceptable but anything below that should be considered a problem and with your current implementation you are below 50% for sure.
  3. riot bantime is random, common fast but sometimes u can be playing even 1 month
  4. Lets apply some common sense please, we do not even discuss detection often because it is obvius and self explainatory any public cheat specially for league of legends is detected. Every single one, otherwise he is probably lying or fresh service which is not exposed yet to the wide public. There are different zenbot versions, the cheap and public one is obviusly detected, there is no competition to zenbot undetected, other similar platforms ill avoid naming here are also detected all them and the ban is usually even faster than here. If you want to script in this game without ban the minimum price is probably around 100$/month and those are the cheap and crapy quality ones. Zenbot is more expensive and you need to go thru application process and pay an entry fee that is probably between 0 and 1000$ depending on current queue/demand.
  5. Moana

    Default options

    Soft reset: Right click values on menu manually Hard reset: Delete the json file on zenbot settings folder, name probably be some random number like 20430302.json
  6. Moana

    need help

    probably u runing dx11, goto C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Config open game.cfg and edit this
  7. yes mate, menu->core u have most hotkey there, you can even decide if it is press hotkey or toggle
  8. ezreal, xerath, cassio, jinx, samira, tristana, kogmaw, karthus, twitch melees never
  9. hiya got HWID for ya, bnVpbm38236957801MTYw

    1. Moana


      Hi, Im not very active on forums please dm me on discord to get fast responses.

      Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/ZrTeXqbda3
      My Discord: Moana#5548

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