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Everything posted by 電池

  1. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Evade Pathing Fixes: Lua scripts sometimes not loading
  2. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Activator Galeforce, Protobelt, Prowler's Claw Awareness MIA Text Scale/Color Option HealthPrediction Timing adjusted Fixes: Xayah R Menu Error Teemo trying to KS with R Orbwalker waiting too long for lasthits in harass mode Buf API Error around Inhibitor Activator Heal sometimes not casting Freezes/Crashes on long games
  3. 電池


    Fixes: Orbwalker Max Range Stutter Health Prediction on ally heroes sometimes returning max health Orbwalker After Auto Attack Time Calculation for high ping Rendering inconsistencies
  4. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Internal Cleanup (More FPS) Lasthit time calculation improvement Fixes: Orbwalker cancelling attacks when chasing Orbwalker sometimes not attacking illaoi tentacles
  5. 電池


    should be all automatic if your loader error, download this and put into a fresh folder
  6. 電池


    Fixes: Varus W Damage Zeri Q
  7. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Varus AP/Burst Mode Lua54 to LuaJIT, More FPS/Faster Loading Outdated and Abandoned External Plugins will not work anymore! Loader V2 Lulu APM Limiter released Fixes: Rengar Jump sometimes taking too long
  8. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Lucian QAA Priority Evade Spell Hero Collision Option Orbwalker Hold Radius Delay Option Velkoz Q Collision Logic Fixes: Velkoz Q being split early Velkoz R not following enemy
  9. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Activator Ping Enemy Ward Humanizer Internal Cleanup (More FPS)
  10. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Janna Disable Evade during R option Activator Ping Enemy Ward Akshan Q Evade Spell Fixes: Awareness Drawing Enemy Champion on Allied Camp Kill Rengar getting stuck after jump in jungle clear Sivir E throwing an error under certain conditions Aatrox Q Evade Spell Area
  11. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Improved Jungler Tracking in FoW Enemy Jungle Timers based on FoW Tracking Awareness Side Hud Clickable more human naming Awareness Hexflash/Smite Cooldown
  12. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Kaisa Targeted Spell/Attack dodge Vex Cleanse Viego Cleanse Fixes: Awareness Champion Hud missing Spells Awareness Side Hud Clickable Teleport Name Jungle Timers (Small Camps) Orbwalker attacking during Lucian R Orbwalker getting stuck on Ezreal/Twitch Sivir E Usage Xayah W Spam without target
  13. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Auto Lantern Humanizer Side Hud Clickable abbreviated Champion Names MIA Timer Clarity Keybind Reverse ON/OFF Configuration Fixes: Auto Walk to Edge preserve Homeguard after 20min Auto Recalc Ward overwriting manual buy
  14. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Tahm Kench W Evade Spell Everfrost Evade Spell KSante QW Evade Spell Fixes: Orbwalker getting stuck after certain Spells Slow AA after casting Kindred W Menu Settings resetting on game exit
  15. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Janna Q Evade Spell Area Veigar E Evade Spell Behaviour Evade Delay option Fixes: Charge Spell usage Orbwalker getting stuck after certain Spells
  16. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Activator Auto Rebuy Trinket Activator Auto Walk to Edge after Recall Hide From Capture (OBS / Replay) for DX9 Elise E2, R Logic Fixes: Elise W1 Mundo W SpellManager Lillia E Wall Collision SpellManager ZedQ/E spawning from ally shadow
  17. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Veigar Cage Evade Area Anivia R Viktor E, W, R Fixes: DirectX11 Evade Draw Buff Caster Error/API Activator Potion spam
  18. 電池


    Fixes: Activator Flash Aphelios Orbwalker DirectX11 sprites, color
  19. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Caitlyn Trap Placement prevent Overlap Alternative Draw Toggle - Use if Draws are disappearing Fixes: Activator and Item API Kalista Gapclose on Minions Attack Invulnerable Targets DirectX11 related Crash
  20. 電池


    try disabling pathfinder in evade menu
  21. 電池


    Added Everfrost to Activator Removed Syndra EQ Fixed Syndra R Damage
  22. 電池


    Changes/Additions: Evade Pathfinding Evade Manual Order Block Varus AP mode, RWQ hotkey Fixes: Orbwalker Caitlyn Passive Miss Fortune related Crash Diana Q Evade Area CN Font getting loaded per default on Riot region causing slow load
  23. 電池


    Fixed Azir Soldier Orbwalking Fixed Menu eating "Click To Focus" inputs of Target Selector while open Added Nilah (Champion/Evade) Added Bel'Veth (Champion/Evade)
  24. 電池


    Fixed Evade being lazy Added Nilah W to Orbwalker Added Aatrox Added Camille Added Ekko Added Galio Added Gnar Added Gragas Added Illaoi
  25. 電池

    Private Zenbot

    message @ Broken
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